




麦都思(Walter Henry Medhurst,1796年-1857年),自号墨海老人。十九世纪著名英国宣教士、汉学家;是英国伦敦宣道会继马礼逊、米怜之后,来华重要的宣教士之一。先后在南洋、上海40余载,从事宣教、著述、出版事工;翻译圣经,设立印刷所,编纂字典,创办报刊,为福音在华的传播及中西文化交流做出重要的贡献。顺藤摸瓜,揪出欧洲知识大爆发的秘密源头:梅森修道屋。原来,这里是利玛窦的欧洲接头地点,梅森是利玛窦的密友,数百位大师从这里诞生图片







  1. 《地理便童略传》(Geographical Catechism)
  2. 《三字经》(Three character Classic)
  3. 《小子初读易识之书课》(Child’ s Primer)
  4. 《咬吧总论》(History of Java)
  5. 《特选撮要》(MonthlyMagazine)
  6. 《道德兴发于心篇》(Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul)
  7. 《中华诸兄庆贺新禧文》(Tract on the New Year)
  8. 《清明扫墓之论》(Feast of the Tombs)
  9. 《基督织言》(Sayings of Jesus)
  10. 《普度施食之论》 (0n Feeding the Ghosts)
  11. 《妈祖婆生日之论》(Birth-day of Ma-tsoo-poo)
  12. 《神天十条圣诫注解》(Exposition of the MoralLaw)
  13. 《兄弟叙谈》(Fraternal Dialogues)
  14. 《踏火之事论》(0n Walking over the Fire)
  15. 《汉语教本》(Chinese School Book)
  16. 《东西史记和合》(Comparative Chronology)
  17. 《耶稣赎罪之论》(Tract on Redemption)
  18. 《乡训》(Vi11age Sermons)
  19. 《同答浅注耶稣教法》 (Assembly’ s Catechism)
  20. 《神理总论》(Discourse on Theology)
  21. 《要文选》(Important selections)
  22. 《福音调和》(Harmony of the Gospels)
  23. 《上帝之存在》(Tract on the being of a God)
  24. 《论善恶人死》(Death of the Good and Bad)
  25. 《新遗诏书》(New Tes-tament)
  26. 《论语新纂》(The Lun-yu newly modeled)
  27. 《偶像书编》(Tract on Idolatry)
  28. 《上帝生日之论》(Discourse on the Birth-day of Heuen-t’ een Shang-te)
  29. 《养心神诗》(Hymn book)
  30. 《创世历代传》(Genealogy from the Creation)
  31. 《圣教要理》(Important Prin-ciples of Religion)
  32. 《祈持式文》(Forms of Prayer)
  33. 《杂篇》(Miscelianeous pieces)
  34. 《真理通道》(Course of Sermons)
  35. 《耶稣教略》(Condensed statement of Christianitv)
  36. 《耶稣降世传》(Life of Christ)
  37. 《马太传福音注》(Commentary on Matthew’ s Gospel)
  38. 《约翰传福音书(上海方言)》(John’ s Gospel in the Shanghae dialect)
  39. 《天帝宗旨论》(Discourse on the Divine Perfections)
  40.  《十条诫论》( Brief exposition of the Ten Commandments)
  41. 《新约全书》(NewTestament)
  42. 《旧约全书》(0ldTestament)
  43. 《人所当求之福》(True Happiness)
  44. 《救世主只耶稣一人》(Christ the only Saviour)
  45. 《人不信耶稣之故》(Why the Heathen makelight of the Gospel)
  46.  《失羊归牧》(The wandering Sheep returned to the Shepherd)
  47. 《君子终日为书》(A well-spent day)
  48. 《岁终自察行为》(Discourse for the New Year)
  49. 《恶者不得入天国》 (Who are excluded from the Kingdom of God)
  50. 《祈祷上帝之理》(Prayer)
  51. 《书者受难获益》(The good Man in Affliction)
  52. 《书人考终命》(The happy Death of the Righteous)
  53.  《死至猝不及备》 (Death comes like a Thief in the Night)
  54. 《新约全书(官话) 》(New Testament in the Mandarin dialect)
  55. 《葆灵魂以升天国论》(Discourse on saving the sou1 and ascending to Heaven)
  56. 《行道信主以免后日之刑论》 (Discourse on avoiding future punishment,by consistent Faith)
  57. 《人当自省以食晩餐论》 (Self-examination on partaking of the Lord’ s Supper)
  58. 《新约全书注解》 (Commentary on the New Testament)
  59.  Catechism of Nature(《自然同答集》)
  60.  Introduction to the Scriptures(《<圣经>导论》)
  61.  Scheme of Christian Doctrine(《基督教教义大要》)
  62.  Malay primer(《马来文初级读本》)
  63.  Discussion with Moham-medans(《与伊斯兰教徒之辩》)
  64.  Search for sin(《察罪》)
  65.  Persuasive to Public Worship(《劝行公开礼拜》)
  66. Journal of a Tour through the Settlements on the Eastern side of the peninsula of Malacca(《游历马六甲半岛东岸殖民地日志》)
  67. An English and Japanese and Japanese and English Vocabulary(《英日、日英词汇表》)
  68. Account of the Island of Bali,particularly of Bali Baliling(《巴厘岛概述》)
  69. A Dictionary of the Hok-keen Dialect of the Chinese Language,according to the realing and colloquia idoms(《汉语福建方口辞典》)
  70. Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese,Corean,and Japanese Languages(《汉语、朝鲜话和日语比较词汇表(英译)》)
  71. Memorial addressed to the British and Foreign Bible Society on a New Version of the Chinese Scriptures(《就重新翻译<圣经> 一事致大英圣书公会书》)
  72.  China: its State and Prospects,with special reference to the spread of the Gospel(《中国:现状与前景》)
  73. Dictionary of the Favorlang Dialect of the Formosan language,written in 1650 (《福摩沙语的华武浪方言词典(1650)》)
  74.  Chinese and English Dictionary(《华英语汇》)
  75. Chinese Dialogues,Questions,and Familiar Sentences,Literally rendered into English(《英汉对照对话、习同、熟语》)
  76.  Twenty four Lessons in English and Chinese(《英汉对照——十四课》)
  77.  A Dissertation on the Theology of the Chinese(《论神学的汉语表述》)
  78.  English and Chinese Dictionary(《英华辞典》)
  79.  An inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word God in translating the Sacred Scriptures into the Chinese Language(《<圣经> 汉译过程中“God”一词该如何恰当表述》)
  80. Reply to the Essay of Dr. Boone on the proper rendering of the words E1ohim And Theos into the Chinese language(《对 <Elohim和Theos西词中译同题> 一文的评论》)
  81.  The ChineseMiscellany(《中国杂记》)
  82.  Reply to the Few Plain Questions of a Brother Missionary(《对传教士阐明几个简单的同题》)
  83. On the True Meaning of the word Shin(《“神”一词的真实含义》)
  84. An Inquiry into the proper mode of translating Ruach and Pneuma,in theChinese versjono]fthe Scriptures(《中文<圣经>中 Ruach 和 Pneuma 词该如何恰当表述》)
  85. Reply to the Bishop of Victoria’ s Ten Reasons in favour of T’ een-shin(《驳维多利亚教区主教[注释: 即四美主教,一译注]支持使用“天神”的十条理由》)
  86. Pamphlets issued by the Chi性ese Insurgents at Nanking(《太平天国宣传小册子汇编》)
  87. Translations from the Peking Ga-zettes,during the years 1853-1856 (《京报(1853-1856)选译》)
  88. Sketch of a Missionary Journey to Tien-muh-san,in Che-keang Province(《浙江天目山传教之旅述要》)
  89. Koo-san,or Drumhill(《鼓山》)
  90. Trip to Ning-po and T’ heen-t’ hae(《宁波和定海之行》)
  91. Remarks on the Opium Trade(《论鸦片贸易》)
  92. Memorial of the Roman Catholic Bishop Mouly to the Emperor of China(《天主教孟振生主教上中国皇帝的奏折》)
  93. Remarkable Cave,situated in the Western Tung-ting-san(《西洞庭山上的神奇洞穴》)




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