麦都思(Walter Henry Medhurst,1796年-1857年),自号墨海老人。十九世纪著名英国宣教士、汉学家;是英国伦敦宣道会继马礼逊、米怜之后,来华重要的宣教士之一。先后在南洋、上海40余载,从事宣教、著述、出版事工;翻译圣经,设立印刷所,编纂字典,创办报刊,为福音在华的传播及中西文化交流做出重要的贡献。顺藤摸瓜,揪出欧洲知识大爆发的秘密源头:梅森修道屋。原来,这里是利玛窦的欧洲接头地点,梅森是利玛窦的密友,数百位大师从这里诞生
- 《地理便童略传》(Geographical Catechism)
- 《三字经》(Three character Classic)
- 《小子初读易识之书课》(Child’ s Primer)
- 《咬吧总论》(History of Java)
- 《特选撮要》(MonthlyMagazine)
- 《道德兴发于心篇》(Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul)
- 《中华诸兄庆贺新禧文》(Tract on the New Year)
- 《清明扫墓之论》(Feast of the Tombs)
- 《基督织言》(Sayings of Jesus)
- 《普度施食之论》 (0n Feeding the Ghosts)
- 《妈祖婆生日之论》(Birth-day of Ma-tsoo-poo)
- 《神天十条圣诫注解》(Exposition of the MoralLaw)
- 《兄弟叙谈》(Fraternal Dialogues)
- 《踏火之事论》(0n Walking over the Fire)
- 《汉语教本》(Chinese School Book)
- 《东西史记和合》(Comparative Chronology)
- 《耶稣赎罪之论》(Tract on Redemption)
- 《乡训》(Vi11age Sermons)
- 《同答浅注耶稣教法》 (Assembly’ s Catechism)
- 《神理总论》(Discourse on Theology)
- 《要文选》(Important selections)
- 《福音调和》(Harmony of the Gospels)
- 《上帝之存在》(Tract on the being of a God)
- 《论善恶人死》(Death of the Good and Bad)
- 《新遗诏书》(New Tes-tament)
- 《论语新纂》(The Lun-yu newly modeled)
- 《偶像书编》(Tract on Idolatry)
- 《上帝生日之论》(Discourse on the Birth-day of Heuen-t’ een Shang-te)
- 《养心神诗》(Hymn book)
- 《创世历代传》(Genealogy from the Creation)
- 《圣教要理》(Important Prin-ciples of Religion)
- 《祈持式文》(Forms of Prayer)
- 《杂篇》(Miscelianeous pieces)
- 《真理通道》(Course of Sermons)
- 《耶稣教略》(Condensed statement of Christianitv)
- 《耶稣降世传》(Life of Christ)
- 《马太传福音注》(Commentary on Matthew’ s Gospel)
- 《约翰传福音书(上海方言)》(John’ s Gospel in the Shanghae dialect)
- 《天帝宗旨论》(Discourse on the Divine Perfections)
- 《十条诫论》( Brief exposition of the Ten Commandments)
- 《新约全书》(NewTestament)
- 《旧约全书》(0ldTestament)
- 《人所当求之福》(True Happiness)
- 《救世主只耶稣一人》(Christ the only Saviour)
- 《人不信耶稣之故》(Why the Heathen makelight of the Gospel)
- 《失羊归牧》(The wandering Sheep returned to the Shepherd)
- 《君子终日为书》(A well-spent day)
- 《岁终自察行为》(Discourse for the New Year)
- 《恶者不得入天国》 (Who are excluded from the Kingdom of God)
- 《祈祷上帝之理》(Prayer)
- 《书者受难获益》(The good Man in Affliction)
- 《书人考终命》(The happy Death of the Righteous)
- 《死至猝不及备》 (Death comes like a Thief in the Night)
- 《新约全书(官话) 》(New Testament in the Mandarin dialect)
- 《葆灵魂以升天国论》(Discourse on saving the sou1 and ascending to Heaven)
- 《行道信主以免后日之刑论》 (Discourse on avoiding future punishment,by consistent Faith)
- 《人当自省以食晩餐论》 (Self-examination on partaking of the Lord’ s Supper)
- 《新约全书注解》 (Commentary on the New Testament)
- Catechism of Nature(《自然同答集》)
- Introduction to the Scriptures(《<圣经>导论》)
- Scheme of Christian Doctrine(《基督教教义大要》)
- Malay primer(《马来文初级读本》)
- Discussion with Moham-medans(《与伊斯兰教徒之辩》)
- Search for sin(《察罪》)
- Persuasive to Public Worship(《劝行公开礼拜》)
- Journal of a Tour through the Settlements on the Eastern side of the peninsula of Malacca(《游历马六甲半岛东岸殖民地日志》)
- An English and Japanese and Japanese and English Vocabulary(《英日、日英词汇表》)
- Account of the Island of Bali,particularly of Bali Baliling(《巴厘岛概述》)
- A Dictionary of the Hok-keen Dialect of the Chinese Language,according to the realing and colloquia idoms(《汉语福建方口辞典》)
- Translation of a Comparative Vocabulary of the Chinese,Corean,and Japanese Languages(《汉语、朝鲜话和日语比较词汇表(英译)》)
- Memorial addressed to the British and Foreign Bible Society on a New Version of the Chinese Scriptures(《就重新翻译<圣经> 一事致大英圣书公会书》)
- China: its State and Prospects,with special reference to the spread of the Gospel(《中国:现状与前景》)
- Dictionary of the Favorlang Dialect of the Formosan language,written in 1650 (《福摩沙语的华武浪方言词典(1650)》)
- Chinese and English Dictionary(《华英语汇》)
- Chinese Dialogues,Questions,and Familiar Sentences,Literally rendered into English(《英汉对照对话、习同、熟语》)
- Twenty four Lessons in English and Chinese(《英汉对照——十四课》)
- A Dissertation on the Theology of the Chinese(《论神学的汉语表述》)
- English and Chinese Dictionary(《英华辞典》)
- An inquiry into the proper mode of rendering the word God in translating the Sacred Scriptures into the Chinese Language(《<圣经> 汉译过程中“God”一词该如何恰当表述》)
- Reply to the Essay of Dr. Boone on the proper rendering of the words E1ohim And Theos into the Chinese language(《对 <Elohim和Theos西词中译同题> 一文的评论》)
- The ChineseMiscellany(《中国杂记》)
- Reply to the Few Plain Questions of a Brother Missionary(《对传教士阐明几个简单的同题》)
- On the True Meaning of the word Shin(《“神”一词的真实含义》)
- An Inquiry into the proper mode of translating Ruach and Pneuma,in theChinese versjono]fthe Scriptures(《中文<圣经>中 Ruach 和 Pneuma 词该如何恰当表述》)
- Reply to the Bishop of Victoria’ s Ten Reasons in favour of T’ een-shin(《驳维多利亚教区主教[注释: 即四美主教,一译注]支持使用“天神”的十条理由》)
- Pamphlets issued by the Chi性ese Insurgents at Nanking(《太平天国宣传小册子汇编》)
- Translations from the Peking Ga-zettes,during the years 1853-1856 (《京报(1853-1856)选译》)
- Sketch of a Missionary Journey to Tien-muh-san,in Che-keang Province(《浙江天目山传教之旅述要》)
- Koo-san,or Drumhill(《鼓山》)
- Trip to Ning-po and T’ heen-t’ hae(《宁波和定海之行》)
- Remarks on the Opium Trade(《论鸦片贸易》)
- Memorial of the Roman Catholic Bishop Mouly to the Emperor of China(《天主教孟振生主教上中国皇帝的奏折》)
- Remarkable Cave,situated in the Western Tung-ting-san(《西洞庭山上的神奇洞穴》)